Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Kindle Prices Over Time (pisses me off)

Kindle 2 Prices in the United States

  • February 23, 2009 Kindle is released (release price [RP] $359)
  • July 8, 2009 $359 to $299 or -17% RP
  • October 7, 2009 $299 to $259 or -28% RP
  • June 21, 2010 $259 to $189 or -53% RP
  • May sometime, I bought the Kindle with a leathery case
I feel bad enough that I bought Kindle 2 just two months before a much better Kindle 3 was released for the same price but imagine how robbed the people that bought the Kindle 2 in July of last year must feel having to watch the Kindle depreciate 53% in less than a year.

Kindle 3 Prices in US

  • July 28, 2010 $139 (WiFi only) and $189 (WiFi and 3G network)

  • $185.49 manufacturing cost estimated by iSuppli.

I'm pissed off because if anyone wants to sell their Kindle 2 now, we have to take into account not just one price and one set of features but two different prices and two different very important connectivity features. I have to explain to potential buyers that Kindle 2 always has access to the internet via Whispernet but doesn't have WiFi capabilities. Who's heard of Whispernet? Nobody. If I have any luck, I'll sell my Kindle for $120 a 40% drop from the price when I bought the Kindle in May.

I wonder if all electronic toys depreciate 50% a year after their release.

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