Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Wikipedia for Calculus

I've been learning some calculus using wikipedia. I wanted to know how the power rule rule was derived for example and the wikipedia entry on the power rule explains everything, but I didn't understand what the binomial theorem was. Luckily there was a link for the binomial theorem and the binomial coefficient.

One thing I love doing is using my web camera is to take pictures of specific places on the screen. I find using my web camera more efficient than using the print screen functions and doing all the editing. I took this picture with my web camera:

The triangle is created by line y = x and line y = -x + 2

I took this picture when someone was explaining how to get the area of a triangle with integration. Everyone should know that the area of a triangle is 1/2(base)(height) but how can you get the area of a triangle with integration? When you look at the graph the answer to the question becomes obvious. The sum of the definite integrations of both lines would give you the area of the triangle.

You can get the area of a circle by the integration of the formula for its circumference(2PIr) which is PIr²

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