Tuesday, 31 March 2009

Wikipedia for Calculus

I've been learning some calculus using wikipedia. I wanted to know how the power rule rule was derived for example and the wikipedia entry on the power rule explains everything, but I didn't understand what the binomial theorem was. Luckily there was a link for the binomial theorem and the binomial coefficient.

One thing I love doing is using my web camera is to take pictures of specific places on the screen. I find using my web camera more efficient than using the print screen functions and doing all the editing. I took this picture with my web camera:

The triangle is created by line y = x and line y = -x + 2

I took this picture when someone was explaining how to get the area of a triangle with integration. Everyone should know that the area of a triangle is 1/2(base)(height) but how can you get the area of a triangle with integration? When you look at the graph the answer to the question becomes obvious. The sum of the definite integrations of both lines would give you the area of the triangle.

You can get the area of a circle by the integration of the formula for its circumference(2PIr) which is PIr²

Friday, 27 March 2009


The picture above is dedicated to www.pastebin.com. I was helping someone out with their homework and having him post his source code at pastebin was a great way to keep source code out of chats. Pastebin made the code easier to read and whenever we wanted to refer to the code or make changes to the code we could always do that within the amount of time we wanted the pasted to remain at pastebin.

Saturday, 21 March 2009

Linking Google to Youtube [fail]

I was just experimenting around the internet. I remembered that Youtube is a Google product so I tried to find some way I could make my google account address and password open my already existing youtube account. I like the idea of having just one user name and password for everything: there's less addresses and passwords to memorize and change every month. I tried linking up the accounts (whatever that means) and nothing happened. I seem to have created a completely new account that has nothing to do with my original Youtube account and that's a turn off. Now I just don't want to even think about it. :(

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Youtube For Calculus

I've been learning calculus on youtube. I took calculus for a whole year, but until tonight I always thought calculus was magic (and when a naturalist says something is magic...). I think one of the reasons I always thought of calculus as magic was because my professor never explained what everything was. I never once heard my professor say that the derivative of a function was the formula for the slope of the tangent line at any given point on the curve of the function. Not once do I remember him saying that! He explained the definition of the derivative without explaining how to find the definition of the derivative. Thanks to khanacademy on youtube, I finally know where the definition of the derivative is derived [ha ha ha] and what it's for. I know I can't just blame the professor. I could have done my part and read the textbook or looked up youtube videos during the year: the problem is the system. For the first quarter of the year, I was waking up at 5:00 AM for school, and according to recent research teenagers aren't meant to wake up so early. During the last three quarters I would wake up at 7:00AM, but that's still not enough.

Tuesday, 17 March 2009

Planning Procrastination

I haven't been following the schedule. I have been following up with university applications and yesterday I studied for my driver license, but I've been putting off C++ and Calculus. I did reinforce some CPP with my new little project that calculates the fractional part of someone's age, but I'm learning new techniques at a slower pace than I should. The problem is I spend too much time on Counter Strike and TV shows.

Saturday, 14 March 2009

Chrome vs. Firefox

I can't decide which browser I like more. The only reasons I liked Firefox over Chrome were for its Chatzilla, Delicious, Download Helper, and Open Book add ons. There are features I like about Chrome too: incognito window, integrated Open Book, and the ability to close down a specific tab via Task Manager (if say that specific tab is what's freezing your computer). However, sometimes I find that Chrome processes slower than Firefox. When I first got Chrome, I noticed trouble watching Youtube videos. For now, I suppose I'll be switching between browsers every now and then until I see that Chrome is faster, and I find out how to get Chatzilla and Download Helper features onto Chrome.

  • I don't need Delicious add on anymore now that I have Google Reader. I find Google Reader a far superior site sharing system. Especially now that they've installed the comment feature.

Saturday, 7 March 2009

Specifc Time URL Youtube

Get youtube video links and if you want to a url to start the youtube at a specific time just add #t=1m15s (for example). Add numbers of your choice. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNlDczS4YK4#t=1m15s

What do people believe?

song chart memes
more music charts

hat tip BadAstronomy

What I Like to Do: Yahoo Answers

I like to give people negative votes on yahoo answers for stupidity... even a little stupidity. *laughs wildly*

Answers I vote down:
"C++ is a programing language. You can learn it about as fast as you can learn to speak a second language."
why? this answer assumes the person doesn't know a second language. I crack myself up. Seriously, he should have said "another language" instead of "second language".

"it is .cpp i think ........any way u cant compile it without ide...opt for Borland or some ide.....google C++"
why? you don't need a IDE to compile c++ code. you need a compiler.

Thursday, 5 March 2009

Finding New Blogs

I recently learned how to find new blogs that relate to my interests here on Blogger, Blogspot or whatever this place is called. I realized that interests on my profile are linked to a blog search of everyone else that is interested in the word that represents my interest. For example, one of my interests is "programming". I go to my profile, click "programming" in my interests, and wallah, every profile on blogspot, blogger, or whatever this place is called is listed. I think the list is sorted in most recently updated. I'm excited now that I can find new blogs that may teach me new things about my interests.


I guess if I didn't want to have to add an interest to look for people with interests out of my interest list, I could just copy the URL above and replace "Programming" with whatever word I'm interested in. Interesting huh? I know I'm interested.

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Case for Christ, the movie


Upon watching the movie Case For Christ by Lee Strobel, several details trouble me about the resurrection story in the Bible:

  • Women discovered the empty tomb.
  • According to Lee Strobel's mathematicians the probability of one person doing all the prophecies is 1 in trillion trillion trillion...
  • David writes about crucifixions before crucifixions were invented by the romans.

  • ...the reliability of eye witness testimony and how the gospels each tell the same story but slightly different supposedly "aiding to the credibility"