Tuesday 30 November 2010

Why I Don't Like Kindle (2G)

Electronic Ink Technology Not Worth It
The Kindle behaves just like paper. With paper or the Kindle's e-ink technology, you don't have to worry about reflections; you can bathe in the sun while you read on the Kindle. The e-ink technology is an awesome feature for people that read outside a lot and don't want to worry about reflections off a glossy screen getting in the way of reading, but when you read in the dim most of the time, the technology isn't worth it. And just like paper, the Kindle doesn't provide a light source, thus you have to buy a book light with your Kindle if you want to read in the dark.

You Need to Know a Computer Language to Get Articles from the Web on your Kindle

I'm not serious about having to know a computer language, but I made a program to ease transferring articles from my computer to my Kindle. The Kindle, as far as I know, does not make an easy transfer of anything 'free'.

The simple program I made inserts the necessary HTML to describe headers and end-lines that would make for a tedious task done manually. The output file created by my program then needs to go through another program that converts HTML files into EPUB files which the Kindle understands.

The Kindle isn't Big Enough For Textbooks

I was so excited about getting the Kindle so I could carry all my textbooks in half the weight of a single textbook. When I finally received the Kindle, I realized that there was no way I would be able to comfortably read my textbooks on it. Unless you buy the whopping $350.00+ Kindle DX, you won't be reading your textbooks on your Kindle. I tried reading "C Primer Plus" by Stephen Prada but the code in the book, because of it's different font, was hard to read and the side notes were disorganized. Otherwise, Kindle 2 is great for novels such as Twilight and Harry Potter

My Library doesn't like Kindle

I don't know if Apple made a deal with the libraries here or what but I cannot upload digital books from my libraries to my Kindle. Actually, my library supports just about every other e-reader device besides the Kindle. I went through thousands of electronic reading devices but for some reason Kindle was not on the list.

Ipod Touch 4G Shipped

My Ipod Touch 4g was shipped by Amazon today! I'm excited! I should be getting it on the 6th of December; Monday of next week. Yesterday, I looked at some youtube videos on how fast you can surf with the new Ipod Touch; Of course, the speed at which you can surf the web is relative to the speed offered by your Service Provider and the quality of your WiFi router etc.. However the interface for surfing the web and the speed was beautiful. I can't wait.
The person that was buying my Kindle backed out so I might be putting my Kindle up on Ebay since nobody responded to it on Craigslist.

Sunday 28 November 2010

Getting The Ipod Touch 4

I'm getting the Ipod Touch 4 as a Christmas present for myself.
Goodbye Kindle
I've had the Amazon Kindle 2ND Generation since a month before Amazon released its 3rd Generation Kindle. I was so mad when the new Kindle came with WiFi compatibility, an essential feature, only a month after I purchased the Kindle with no WiFi compatibility. I bought the Kindle for almost $200.00 (with a cover) and now I'm going to sell it for $120.00 towards my new purchase of an Ipod Touch 4.

The main reasons I want the Ipod Touch 4
  • Portability: The Ipod Touch will fit in my pocket and I won't have worry about looking like a ninja turtle everywhere I go because of the bulky backpack you have to wear to comfortably carry a laptop or netbook.
  • Readability: The new Ipod Touch has graphics capabilities that nearly parallel the Wii gaming console. I should have no problem using this device to read books, articles, posts, comments, status updates, comics, and other stuff I like to read.
  • Camera: I've been wanting a camera for some time to take pictures of random things and the Ipod Touch comes with a camera capable of 720p HD video which is more than half of what most high end TVs display (1080p).

I'm selling my Kindle 2.0 for $120.00 towards the Ipod Touch 4.0 for $270.00. Therefore, I will be $150.00 into my purchase. I will have lost a total of $180.00, the price of my Kindle and the leathery cover I bought with it a month or so before Kindle 3.0 was released. The $30.00 unaccounted for is about how much Kindle 2.0 depreciated since I bought it in May 2010. Kindle 3.0 is now selling for $189.00.

Thursday 25 November 2010

Add Hand Sanitizer to my Christmas Wishlist

I sure wish I had some hand sanitizer for the Thanksgiving Dinner I'm going to. I'm going to be shaking some hands and touching forks, knives, and maybe even some sporks. I'm not afraid of catching something, rather I'm afraid to pass on the cold virus I've been dealing with the past week.

Sunday 21 November 2010

Google Reader Statistics are Useless

I don't read the expansion for every headline I read via Google Reader. Accordingly, I think 'mark all as read' is an inaccurate description of what I'm doing because I have not read everything I'm marking as read; I just want to reset the number so I know when new stuff comes up.

Thursday 18 November 2010

Finishing Sentences

I know you're not supposed to complete people's sentences but I can't help myself when someone is talking about something science-y and I want to let them know I'm not a fool of a took on the subject. I was talking to some stranger in town about nuclear bombs and he was trying to explain that a nuclear bomb is not an explosion rather an _____. Where I completed his sentence with "[...]implosion, a domino effect towards the center".

Sunday 14 November 2010

Insulated Windows

I'm not talking about an operating system. I'm talking about the window in my room. My dad finally covered it with some plastic window material that helps keep heat from being lost at my window. My room already feels warmer. I tried explaining that one way I could tell that my window is where a lot of heat was being lost is by the amount of condensation on my window. He responded that all windows 'sweat' because of the change of temperature. I think that's bullocks because good windows don't sweat like pigs.

Saturday 13 November 2010

Liquid Interface

Liquid interface is a neat term for projects such as Kinect, SixthSense, and LuminAR.

Thursday 11 November 2010

My XMAS Wish List

1. TI Graphing Calculator (for school)
2. Magnetic White Board
3. Podium
4. Clip Boards
5. Pens & Pencils
6. T-shirts & Jeans
7. Coat
8. a scrub brush for my back

Wednesday 10 November 2010

The Dark Side of the Moon

Is it the dark side of the moon I see
or is it my mind playing tricks on me?
not a trick exactly
but a brain's desire for rationality
Insanely, the smile of the Cheshire cat
a smile as wide, and creepy as can be

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Why Books Are Better

In a nutshell, books are Attention Deficiency Disorder (ADD) proof. With books, recording your progress is easy and you don't have worry about going off on a tangent that has nothing to do with your study goal (e.i. With books, you can't go from reading about calculus to listening to youtube songs about calculus that honestly don't teach you anything about calculus but in the vast sea of procrastination that is using the 'internet'...). With this said, the iPad, although still on my wishlist, is an ADD factory. The iPad is disguised as a device to increase productivity but we all know what most people will be using the iPad for, and we know it's not reading. The iPad will be the death of us all! I'm just kidding.

Take My Vitamins and Minerals

Haha, I just took my VITAMINS. I have to make sure I'm getting my calcium and vitamin D. Especially during the winter because I'm not outside as much; the sun isn't out as much hence Vitamin D is scarce. Vitamin D deficiency may lead to depression and even other behavioral disorders.

Monday 8 November 2010

Hyperbole and a Half on 'alot'

I just fell in love with another blogger: Hyperbole and a Half. Because of her, I will never forget that "alot"[sic] is incorrect. She writes about her troubles with people incorrectly condensing the term 'a lot' into 'alot' and she even came up with a fictional creature to represent the term 'alot'. She's a genius.

I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be posting any of her pictures but I'll just wait and find out. I can't wait until I have some money and can buy some of her t-shirts.

Sunday 7 November 2010

Ugh. When will I stop hurting?

Pillow Talk

I have the same problem when I'm with a girl staring off into nothing, and they ask me "What are you thinking about?"

Title Change

I changed the Title and Title Caption from Human Debugger [...debugging the errors of my own humanity as I go along] to I'm Level 9000 [You got that right.] I liked the whole idea of the Human Debugger, inspired by XKCD's comic Conspiracy Theories (http://xkcd.com/258/), but I think I'm Level 9000 is more exciting, inspired by a Dragon Ball Z meme.

Wikipedia on Animals that Count

Even Wikipedia knows that we aren't the only species on the planet that counts.

The evolution of mathematics might be seen as an ever-increasing series of abstractions, or alternatively an expansion of subject matter. The first abstraction, which is shared by many animals,[11] was probably that of numbers: the realization that a collection of two apples and a collection of two oranges (for example) have something in common, namely quantity of their members. - the PL

Saturday 6 November 2010

Shower Products for Men

Shower Products for Men


Thursday 4 November 2010

Some Vibrations

Some vibrations are bad
Like a little ultraviolet radiation
Some vibrations are good
Like my cellphone vibrations
Some vibrations are okay
Like that bee buzzin' around me
As long as we aren't talking about seismic vibrations
There is no need for hesitation

[I came up with this at the shop.]

Botany Can Die

plants bore the hell out of me, though. they just... sway with the wind... I love all human knowledge besides botany. I don't care if 6 plants make up 80% of humanity's food consumption. I would rather just eat meat than learn about ... plants!

Tuesday 2 November 2010

BBC News - Falling in love costs you friends

BBC News - Falling in love costs you friends

Pencils vs. Pens

For the longest time I've been debating pens vs. pencils.

Pros Pencils

You don't have to worry about the 'ink drying out'.

You don't have to worry about the angle at which you're holding your pencil.

Cons Pencils

You have to sharpen pencils.

If the tip of your pencil is sharp, you may poke yourself depending on the way you carry your pencil.