1. I'm interested in what Budhists think happens after death.
Typical Catholic here. She thinks that bad people go to hell and good people go to heaven. Look, she even says "you would have to do something really really REALLY BAD to go there" Too bad this really doesn't seem to be the consensus among Catholics in general. First, a person can go to hell just for not believing in the existence of any deities at all. Does not believing in deities englobe her definition of really bad? Another way a person can get a ticket to hell is by killing a vegetable person. I read about this on the news a while back. Apparently, letting people suffer to death is better than just killing them, and if you kill that suffering person or they allow themselves to be killed you'll get to suffer for eternity after death. (see: jigsaw jesus)
2. You'll get to spend time with your loved ones for eternity!
Isn't her belief just nice and dandy. I can't wait to go to heaven to hang out with all those smart guys such as Newton, Einstien, and Newton. Oh yeah, I can't forget my girlfriend. If I die before she does, I'm not going to be so happy in heaven. I'll stop with the sarcasm now. We have no idea how heaven works; on the other hand, we know a lot about the how the universe we live in works. For example, I know I have short term memory and long term memory because certain parts of my brain are in good conditions. The brain is very physical, and we use 100% of it, despite the myths! When we go to heaven, do we take our brain with us? We know that without out our brain, or when just parts of our brain are damaged, we just can't function the same (e.g. goodbye long term memory), so I was just wondering if we had memory at all in heaven since we know our brains decompose after we die in the universe.

I think I'll review more answers later.