Saturday, 30 August 2008

What lusikkamage Believes

If you are into game development and programming then you would be or are definitely interested in lusikkamage. For those who don't know what lussikamage is, it's the youtube channel of Rachel J. Morris. On her channel, she posts how-to videos on programming games, and videos of some of her own work. She spends a lot of time responding to people's questions on youtube, helping many understand the art of game programming.

Here now comes the question of less importance: What does she believe in? Is she a Christian, Muslim, Hindu? I was snooping around her deviant blog, and what do I find: she has been recently reading The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I dug further and saw that on a question "What is your religion?" she added "None." These findings lead me to the conclusion that she's an atheist. Her atheism isn't a bad thing at all, and the fact doesn't change how helpful she has been to many newbies in the programming business.

This tells us something: you don't need to be religious to be a good person, and you don't have to believe in an ultimate designer to be a good game designer. :P

sources in chronological order

source3: (search: "god")
source4: (search: "religion")


Ben said...

you think her lack of belief in an ultimate designer hurts her status as a wittle designer? haha

Rachel J. Morris said...

I think there's not really any correlation between believing in a god and being able to code.

They're both deemed "designer", but really aren't the same thing.
